Skyrocket your Elementary Kids math learning using Innovative Valentine’s Day Activities To Triple Their Skills
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Skyrocket your Elementary Kids math learning using Innovative Valentine’s Day Activities To Triple Their Skills

Do you want this Valentine’s Day to be the best math learning day for your kids while adapting fun and educational activities for your lesson? I got you covered so you do not have to spend a lot of your precious time thinking about what to plan for the day. In this post, I will discuss a wide variety of Valentine’s Day activities including puzzles, color-by-number games, and interactive math games, which not only captivate students’ attention but also help them learn essential math skills.

Want to know the best part? You don’t have to do anything except for taking the printouts and handing them over to your students. Good deal, right?!

Spread Math Love using Valentine’s Day Fraction Puzzles and Reinforce the Skills!

Valentines Day fraction puzzles activity

Puzzles are a great way to incorporate hands on experience in your teaching. You can use simple sorting puzzles like these Valentine’s Day adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators to develop math skills while providing them with gamification to enhance their learning experience. These puzzles provide a playful approach to problem solving and encourage interactive learning. You will enjoy watching your students observe how the puzzles combine to create beautiful Valentine’s Day themed images.

These activities not only enforce the faction operations skills but also help in developing a collaborative environment where kids learn to work alongside their peers and have to develop teamwork and enhance their social skills. 

Engaging Valentine’s Day Activities with Word Problem

Valentines Day Multi Digit Addition and Subtraction Worksheet with Word Problems

I get how difficult it can be to make kids understand and practice word problems on top of that pair it with plain boring worksheets and all you get is a recipe for disaster in class. So, how do you manage to keep students excited while keeping your lessons on point and still moving the needle? Try using fun and interactive worksheets with a touch of coloring to increase focus while staying on track. 

Don’t have time to create one, no problem I have done all the grunt work for you and created this highly intriguing Valentine’s Day-themed activity “Addition and subtraction activities along with word problems”. It’s a perfect way to exercise your students’ 3 digit addition and subtraction problem solving skills in a love filled way! These activities have an enjoyable twist on the traditional learning word problems. Your students will enjoy this one and so will you.

Valentine’s Day Solve the Room Activities

Why worry about making students get tired or bored while practicing math? Why not use some unconventional ways to keep our math classes mesmerizing while challenging students at the same time? The “Valentine’s Day Solve the Room” activities are designed to do just that. 

Valentines Day Math Add Subtract Multiply Divide Solve the Room Activity Bundle

These Solve the Room activities cover basic math skills like 2 digit addition subtraction along with 2 digit multiplication and division. Use them and see kid’s faces lit with joy. All you have to do is put the question cards around the room and students need to find them, solve them, and record the answers in their record sheets.

The mere activity of walking and solving math turns it into an amusing and delightful physical experience! Students get so engaged and it’s captivating to watch them calculate and get excited!

Color By Number Activities: A Great Way to Integrate Art and Math.

For you teachers out there, do not forget to try out Color By Number Activity during the season of Love! It’s not only perfect for kids who love coloring, but the Valentine’s Day theme makes it even more fun and relevant for February. 

Valentines Day Multidigit Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Coloring by number

The activity is a perfect combination of art and math. While coloring and designing something beautiful, students can learn basic addition and subtraction skills. And, the best part! they get to create a gorgeous piece of artwork that you can then hang in the hallway as a reward! It’s a win-win for both learners and teachers.

Try out these activities as a way to make math enjoyable and intriguing for students, while also keeping the holiday spirit alive. With these activities, students will have the chance to learn these topics and practice the essential skills, while having fun. 

Moreover, these are great to break up your typical lesson plans and add a fun and lively aspect to your classroom. So, take advantage of these holiday-themed math activities to keep your students engaged and motivated to learn!

By the way if you like this activity you might want to check out adding and subtracting decimals activities 5th grade.

Fun Multiplication and Division Independent Activities Pack

Valentines Day MultiDigit Multiplication & Long Division Worksheets Word Problem

Do your kids struggle with poor working memory while reviewing math multiplication or division facts? Do their weak mental math skills frustrate you? Try using interactive activity – it’s super fun and educational! Incorporating this packet into your teaching arsenal could revolutionize the way your students perceive math. No longer just numbers on a page, math becomes a gateway to creativity, problem-solving, and festive fun. It’s an excellent way to maintain academic rigor while also acknowledging the season, making it a win-win for teachers aiming to keep their lessons fresh and students motivated.

Want to get the insider’s Fun? Join the Club here!

CelebrateSaint patricks day using Fun and Free math Activiites in upper elementary classroom
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Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day with Epic Free Math Activities

Are you and your kids ready for some fun festive St. Patrick’s Day spirit? Are you ready to say goodbye to boring activities and see your kids excited to learn math this season? Then follow along with me for some super fun things you can try in your classroom this season using this Free St. Patrick’s Day themed Solve The Room Activity and finally bring some Irish charm into your classroom.

First things first why do you actually need to use this activity? For me personally, this activity is something I use in my classroom whenever I feel like kids need a break from their usual learning and need some movement going in my classroom to keep my student’s learning juice flowing.

Here are my top 3 reasons why you should use this activity too:

1. Encourages Movement and Interaction:

The ‘Solve The Room’ aspect of this activity adds a physical aspect to learning. Kids aren’t just sitting at their desks and calculating, instead they’re moving around the classroom. This is especially beneficial for young children in elementary or upper elementary who learn better when they’re physically engaged.

2. Engagement through Theme-Based Learning:

Themed activities are always a win in classrooms. Activities like Saint Patrick’s Day Math Facts Activity, are a fantastic way to keep students engaged. By integrating the fun and festive spirit of the holiday into your lesson plan, we can not only capture student’s interest but make learning more enjoyable for them.

3. Promoting Collaboration and Social Skills:

With technology glueing kids to their screens this activity provides a way for them to think outside the box and build their creativity muscle. It isn’t just about math; it’s also about working together and developing social skills. Your kids can work in pairs or small groups which encourages teamwork and communication.

Want to use this activity inside your classroom? Fill the form below

Math color by number worksheets and activites for elementary students, decimals and fractions color by number worksheets
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5 Unique but Epic Ways To Use Color By Number Worksheets For High Student Engagement This Year

Using color by number activities in one of my favourite ways to bring excitment and fun inside classroom. I cannot tell you how much my kids look forward to using these for any topic or theme day.

Seriously its one of the best way in my opinion to keep them on the task while still interested in practicing math during math centers.

Try using the if your kids are hitting a math practicing roadblock. We even display the art result they produced in our classroom or gallery. Students feel super prod when I do that.

So today let’s discover five easy ways you can implement math color by number worksheets so you can have an engaged class that’s excited to work on them.

What is a Color by Number Worksheets:

Color by number worksheets aren’t just art and math combined today, instead they are a sure way to give your kids a more engaging and educational experience that they might miss out on during a traditional learning environment.

This way of practicing math provides a structured way to kid’s daily math practice. Today, I’m about to sow you how I use them to add engagement for any topic you want to teach be it fraction operation including word problems or order of operation along with decimal operations.

Why to use Color by number worksheets for developing understanding:

Using art in our daily learning is a fantastic way to increase our kid’s educational experience. Think of it this way: your kids solving math problems and revealing a historical place, figure, or even a themed art piece to set the mood for some festive spirit.

Coloring is also a calming activity that reduces stress and keeps them focused on the task while developing fine motor skills. This is one of the reason why I use color-by-number worksheets as a terrific way to keep them on track with their daily math progress while having fun

Customizable Math Teaching Tool:

Every child is different, and no 2 kids can learn the same way. Customizing color by number worksheets to fit their needs and learning styles can drastically boost student’s engagement.

For visual learners or students who cannot focus on a single task, these worksheets can be a handy tool for any math teacher. 

Creative Reward and Recognition:

You can use the completed math coloring worksheets as a positive reinforcement activity for your students.

Here is how I achieve this. I display the finished color by number worksheets inside our classroom or hallway, which encourages students to perform better and acts as a reward for their hard work.

Develops Emotional Intelligence:

This type of activity not only gets student’s creative juices to follow but also keeps them calm and organized. This enhances their emotional intelligence and stamina to endure more demanding challenges in the learning process, which we as a teacher always strive for. 

Independent and Self-Checking Practice:

If I had to pick one reason among all the above, this one would always surpass the rest. The most important thing any teacher wants is to cut down the time used for grading so we can actually do more of what we Love, aka “TEACHING“.

Color by number worksheets are a fantastic way to facilitate independent practice of topics like area of complex figures, order of operations during the math center activities or the morning bell work, or you can even leave them for a sub day and still get the teaching stuff done while you are away. 

Want to include some color-by-number activities in your class?

Here are a few free ones for you to use.

Get access to Free addition and subtraction color-by-number worksheets and Multiplication Color by number worksheets

If you would like to see more color by code activities, just click on the cover below.

Math color by number worksheets and activites for elementary students, decimals and fractions color by number worksheets
Awaken a love for 3 digit addition: An unexpected benefit of gamified Math Lessons

Awaken a love for 3 digit addition: An unexpected benefit of gamified Math Lessons

All right, so we’re diving into the exciting and full of fun world of… 3 digit addition. As a math teacher myself, I know what you might be thinking! I know, I know. ‘three digit addition’ and ‘exciting’ are two phrases that you probably never expected to see in the same sentence. Yet, here we are!

But for a moment, I want you to picture this: your kids, completely absorbed, their minds buzzing away as they add numbers. No more expressionless eyes, no more “Do I have to?” Instead, they’re eager. They’re engaged. They’re learning. Sounds like a far-off dream? Well, it isn’t, and thanks to the gamified math lessons, this could be the reality of your classroom.

I remember when I was a kid, and math felt like a tedious chore. But honestly, I do not want that for my kids in the classroom, so it’s time that we as math teachers, put those days behind us.

Let’s make learning two and three digit addition and subtraction worksheets a game — literally. How? Here is a step by step month-long journey to transform 3 digit addition from ‘Ugh, not again!’ to ‘Can we do more?’ in your classroom.

Week 1: Nailing the basics of the concept of 3 digit addition

Ever tried to build a castle on sand? It’s a shaky business, right? The same goes for 3 digit addition with elementary students. If you’re shaky on the basics, teachers! Well, you’re setting your class up for a castle full of confusion. Let’s clear the air on this. Shall we?

Now, for your kids to understand 3 digit addition with and without regrouping, you first need to make them recognize the importance of place values. They should’ve got hundreds, tens, and ones down. To clarify this concept to your kiddos, you can tell them to picture hundreds, tens, and ones as three shelves in a bookcase, each with a specific spot for its ‘book’.

But the thing to remember here is that it’s essential for the numbers to go in their right place. Misplace the numbers, and you’ve got chaos!

Then comes the tricky bit: carrying over. A common hiccup, often as mystifying as a magician’s trick. But it does not have to be that. You can simplify it further for them. So, if your ‘ones’ total more than 9, you ‘carry over’ the extra to the ‘tens’ shelf. Same rule for the ‘tens’ to the ‘hundreds’. It’s like when you’re packing a suitcase, and it overflows – you need another bag!

Now, what about gamification in math? Think of it like turning broccoli into a superhero. Kids love games, right? So why not use that love to turn learning 3 digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping into a thrilling adventure?

Gamification takes the chore out of learning, and makes it interactive, and here’s the important part: it leverages our innate love for rewards. There are several platforms and tools for gamification, with different colors suited to different needs.

Week 2: Preparing the Gamified 3 Digit Addition with and without regrouping Lessons

So you’re ready to transform your class into a gaming field. But which platform to choose? It can get overwhelming pretty quickly if you do not know exactly what you are looking for. More like being in a candy shop with infinite choices.

But what I can tell you from personal experience is that features, user feedback, and, most importantly, compatibility with your class size, age group, and tech comfort is all that matter.

Selecting a platform is just the beginning. Next, you’ve got to figure out a way to add your triple digit addition and subtraction curriculum to this platform. Initially, it might feel like you are doing a puzzle. You need to break down the curriculum into daily and weekly objectives, making sure each game fits seamlessly into the learning process.

Now the most important part here is to remember, that variety is the spice of your classroom! Mixing up games and keeping the interest alive is what you should aim for. Imagine being served the same dish every day. Boring, right? The same goes for your class. So spice it up with a variety of games.

Week 3: Rolling Out the Gamified Lessons

3 Digit addition digital resource practice problems for elementary students, gamified addition practice of 3 digit addition

Now comes the big reveal. Introducing the new approach to students can be a dance as delicate as a ballet. The aim? To make sure they understand how the platform works, how it’ll be integrated into their learning, and – this is key – why it’s gonna be super fun.

As the lessons roll out, be ready to wear the hat of an eagle-eyed observer. Tracking progress, and providing feedback, it’s all part of the game. It’s like being a coach on the sidelines, guiding and cheering on the players.

Wanna know what I use to add a gamification touch to my 3 single digit addition worksheets in class, check this out on TPT!

Week 4: Evaluating Progress and Getting Ready for the Quiz

After the lesson is been done and you feel like your students get the concept it’s time for the big day! I mean Quiz day! Although students dread to go through a quiz, not in our gamified class! Here, quizzes are designed to mimic the game-based problems, making them less of a scary monster and more of a friendly challenge.

You can offer your students study aids and revision sessions to help them clarify any gaps in their learning. A little extra help won’t hurt anyone.  Alongside this, you can gather progress reports for each student. Here you’re not just looking at who’s soaring and who’s stumbling but also pinpointing the areas where students commonly trip up.

And now, the finale of week four: prepping for the quiz. Make sure to review the main concepts, but more than that, ensure the students have a clear concept of the topic and what lies ahead.

You can even use these riddle Worksheets to evaluate your student’s early progress.

2 and 3 digit Addition Riddles Worksheets and 3 digit addition practice sheets for elementary students | Multi digit addition practice sheets

Quiz Day: The Ticket to 3 digit addition with ans without regrouping worksheets Stardom

Now comes the day the students have been working towards. The quiz. It’s the chance to put all that they’ve learned to the test.

The quiz results aren’t just numbers but celebrations of success and stepping stones for further learning. Each correct answer calls for a small classroom celebration, and each misstep is an opportunity to learn and improve. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining.

So there you have it. But remember it’s not just about the numbers, but about making learning an experience. It’s about taking those dread-filled, yawn-inducing lessons and turning them into a journey of exploration, excitement, and fun.

So, if you want to break the chains of traditional teaching and think outside the box, it’s time that you implement these strategies into your classroom and play. Gamified lessons aren’t just an educational trend. They’re the key to exposing engagement, sparking curiosity, and making your students not just learn but love the process.

Especially in a world where children are often glued to screens and gadgets, gamifying math lessons can serve as a link in our classrooms that merges education with entertainment in the most effective manner. So in order to take the ‘boredom” out of traditional math lessons and transform it into an exciting experience that students can enjoy while learning new math skills at the same time it’s more like a necessity now.

Want some ideas for assessing 3 digit addition in your class!

Some thoughts to consider:

As teachers, it’s our duty to make sure that every child in our class experiences the thrill of learning. With the right tools and approach, even the most seemingly mundane topics like 3 digit addition can become adventure journeys for exploration. By continuously experimenting with new techniques and, most importantly, making math fun we can make math exciting for our young generation. After all, isn’t that what education should be – an exciting journey of discovery for our students?

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You’ve got this. Just imagine, a classroom humming with excitement, picture the pride on your students’ faces when they nail a complex 3-digit addition problem, not because they had to, but because they wanted to.


You have the power to turn ‘boring math Class‘ into ‘bring it on!. To replace sighs of boredom with cheers of excitement. To transform ‘I don’t get it’ into ‘I did it!’.

In a nutshell, it’s not just about math. It’s about equipping our children with the courage to tackle challenges, the resilience to keep going, and the joy of learning.

Since the methods of teaching in education are always evolving, it’s crucial that we continually seek methods that not only enhance the learning experience but also ignite a passion within our students.

Gamified math 3 digit addition lessons can bridge the gap between conventional teaching and the digital age. By transforming the seemingly mundane task of 3-digit addition practice into an engaging journey, we aren’t just teaching numbers – we’re nurturing a love for learning.

The unexpected joy and enthusiasm that arise from such methods prove that with the right tools and mindset, even the most traditional subjects can be refreshed and revitalized. Let’s continue to innovate and inspire, turning challenges into opportunities and learners into lifelong enthusiasts. After all, when education is fun, the sky’s the limit.

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3 digit addition problems to increase problem solving skills in your kids

3 Digit Addition Problems Activities To Increase Problem Solving Now

Teaching your students the concept of 3 digit addition problems is essential for their math skills development. Without a solid foundation in these basic skills, students will face challenges as they progress to higher grade levels.

Let’s explore some strategies you can use inside your classroom to teach 3 digit addition more effectively. So let’s dive in!

Understanding The Basics of 3 Digit Addition Problems

To build a solid foundation of 3 digit addition skills in your students, start by introducing the concept of place value.

Students should know the value of every digit in a 3 digit number. And that should happen even before they begin practicing their addition skills.

Once your students have mastered the place values, it’s time to introduce them to add 2 and 3 digit numbers. This is the time when you gradually introduce them to the concept of regrouping.

Building your student’s skills in this way will allow them to make sense of what they are learning sequentially.

Engaging 3 Digit Addition Problems Worksheet

Printable worksheets are a must have tool for all math teachers in their classrooms, again not the only ones.

In addition to this, engaging printable worksheets keep your students in the learning process and draw their attention towards solving math and absorbing what they are learning.

But creating visually appealing worksheets for your students to work on can be a daunting task.

Here are a few 3 digit addition problems worksheet ideas to consider using in your classroom.

  • 3 Digit Addition Riddles activity

Adding riddles activity worksheets in your classroom creates an element of excitement in students. Want some inspiration? Check out these 3 digit addition riddles worksheets in my TPT store!

3 digit addition and subtraction problems worksheets
Addition And Subtraction Riddles Worksheets

Here is how it works. Print out one of the worksheets and hand it out to your students. The visually appealing images and the mystery element of the riddles creates a fun and exciting experience for students.

Students then works on the problems to find the clues and solve the riddles. Once all the problems are solved, students can then look for the answer and write the matching alphabet assigned to the problem in the given blanks.

Once all the blanks are filled, students reveal the answer to the riddle. Honestly, riddle worksheets are what my students are always begging for more. I always make sure to incorporate such riddles in my class.

Want to see what I use check them here.

  • 3 Digit Addition Color by Number Worksheets

Color By Number is another engaging way to add excitement to your classroom. What’s more interesting is these activities are self checking.

After finding the answer to their problems, kids look for the colors that the correct answer points to and color in the coloring sheet with the desired color.

This sparks creativity and fun, which makes working on these activities enjoyable. Don’t want to make your own! Check this out

3 digit addition and subtraction problems color by number worksheets
3 Digit Addition And Subtraction Color By Number Worksheets

Lastly, check out the ones I created for busy teachers like you here.

  • 3 Digit Addition Maze Activity

Another activity you can do in your classroom is this 3 digit addition maze worksheet. These mazes are also self checking which makes less grading and more free time for the teachers. Whereas more learning for the students.

Want some free 3 digit addition problems maze activity click here for a free printable.

My kids are excited to find the answer to the problem they are working on and to find out how they are going to navigate the maze. This interactive activity not only increases their addition skill along with problem solving but keeps them actively engaged in solving math problems.

Want to access Free Math Resources? Click Here!
Free Adding and Subtracting Decimal Mystery Picture Activity

Area of composite figures teaching and lesson plan digital and printable activity

How to teach the area of composite/complex figures in an EPIC way!

So… you are about to introduce the area of complex figures and area of composite figures in your classroom and want some help!

Every time you feel like thinking about how to get started or how even to think about introducing the topic to your kids, frustration kicks in!

Believe it or not, we all have been there during our first few years of teaching.

Explore the Area of complex figures in an exciting way

But here’s the deal: engagingly teaching math is even more crucial now than ever.


Because of all the technological advancements and ways that kids are being entertained now.

Capturing their attention and keeping them focused on the tedious task of learning math and developing real world problem solving skills has become a real problem!

So the question is, how do you teach the area topic in a way that makes it easy for your kids to grasp the concept?

And finally, make them feel like they are ready to tackle any problem thrown their way.

Start with the Basics:

Like I said, it all starts with basics. And to be honest, there is no other answer to this problem other than nailing the basics!

Here is the hard truth… if kids find the lesson interesting, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn about the problem, think about it, practice it, and ultimately feel a sense of confidence in their skills.

This is why using gamified methods of teaching math inside your classroom can be a handy tool for teaching any concept!

Seeing Math Everywhere:

What I have found the most effective way to present the topic area of composite figures is through real life examples. What I mean by this is…

You can first recall their previous knowledge of “basic shapes” and Ask them what they know about complex shapes from their intuition.

This way, your kids will only consider this topic a math problem. In fact, they will see the practical side of mathematics that they aren’t yet exposed to.

Now, start by exploring the geometry of the basic shapes with them and move on to how the area of these basic shapes is calculated.

Here, the goal is to not only help the kids know how to calculate the area of basic shapes using formulas but also by counting the basic units inside each shape.

Finding the Area of Composite Figures or Complex Figures (Color by Number)

Since kids have already mastered how to calculate the area of regular shapes, it’s time to introduce them to composite figures.

You can first show them any composite shape like a park or the layout of a house and ask what they see.

Tell them to imagine the shape as a whole building made by several small ones and treat every small shape like rectangle, square or circle as a room inside the building.

Let them think about this concept for a while and then decompose the shape into its parts and find the area of the individual basic shape.

Want some resources to practice the area of squares, rectangles, and triangles in an exciting way? Check out this area and perimeter Color by Number activity below.

Area of complex figures review practice and perimeter of regular and composite figure, area and perimeter of regular shapes

Finding Area of Complex Figures Piece by Piece

Next, break the building made with basic figures into small shapes, each representing a square or rectangle. For better understanding, it’s good to introduce a composite figure with 2 or 3 squares or rectangles and then move on to the more complex figures.

The next step is to ask your kids how many squares or rectangles they see inside their big figures. And lastly, calculate the areas of these individual shapes. Since your kids already know how to calculate the area of regular figures, it would not be a daunting task.

Finding the Area of Complex Figures (Trending and Most Popular)

Now comes the fun part: tell your kids that since we are calculating the area of the whole building, not just the single rooms inside, we have to calculate the area of the whole surface. They can only calculate it by adding the areas of each smaller shape. By summing up, kids will be able to tell what the area of complex figure is. 

Want some fun digital and printable activities to help you with this lesson?

Check out these exciting activity: digital games for area of composite figure that also includes printable worksheets.

Area of composite figure digital game and activity for 6th grade

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