Division is hard for kids…PERIOD! But it doesn’t have to be using division riddles. For my kids, division feels like a confusing jumble of numbers because they don’t have their facts memorized.
No matter how much you try to make your kids practice division, until they have a solid grasp of division facts in their minds, they won’t be able to work on more complex problems. It’s like not knowing how to drive but trying to drive anyway.
If that’s the case, then what we should be focusing on is understanding why our kids are struggling in the first place. To be honest, there can be many reasons for this problem.
Reasons like a lack of understanding, memorization feeling like a draining task, table overload, multiplication confusion, and more can all contribute to students not having a good grip on division facts.
Are you interested in knowing how I make division practice fun and engaging for my kiddos? It’s by using riddles! Riddles are a perfect tool to help children develop math and problem-solving skills, whether it’s back-to-school time or throughout the whole year.
Why Division Practice Is Important
Practicing division problems is crucial for a kid’s basic math learning and understanding. It is a critical thinking skill essential for mastering higher and advanced math concepts. Division helps kids:
Increase their problem-solving abilities
Build confidence in handling complex calculations
Improve their understanding of the world around them
Now that you know how important it is for our kids to practice division problems. Let’s talk about a solution.
The best way I am able to get my students working on division practice is using division riddles. Using riddles keeps students focused on the task in hand and also builds their perseverance skill.
How Division Riddles Works:
You hand out one of the division riddles to your kids. It could be a division facts or2 by 1, 2 by 2 digit or 3 by 1 or 3 by 2 digit, whatever numbers you want your students to practice that day.
Students start working on the problems and with every problem they unlock a key (letter) that is part of the mystery riddle they are solving. The clues are unlocked randomly to make it more interesting and exciting for the kids.
Once all the clues are collected the answer to the mystery is revealed. The gamified way of practicing division makes it less intimidating for the students and helps them gain confidence in their math skills.
Few ways to use Division Riddles inside classroom:
I love activities that are versatile and can be used in multiple ways inside the classroom. Here are a few ways you can use a Riddles activity
Partner work
Home work
Centers or rotation
Review or practice work
Or anytime you want to have something FUN
Are you looking for 2 and 3 digit by 1 digit long division practice worksheets for your upper elementary students?
Check out the division riddles resource on my TPT shop and let your kids have fun while learning at the same time.
All right, so we’re diving into the exciting and full of fun world of… 3 digit addition. As a math teacher myself, I know what you might be thinking! I know, I know. ‘three digit addition’ and ‘exciting’ are two phrases that you probably never expected to see in the same sentence. Yet, here we are!
But for a moment, I want you to picture this: your kids, completely absorbed, their minds buzzing away as they add numbers. No more expressionless eyes, no more “Do I have to?” Instead, they’re eager. They’re engaged. They’re learning. Sounds like a far-off dream? Well, it isn’t, and thanks to the gamified math lessons, this could be the reality of your classroom.
I remember when I was a kid, and math felt like a tedious chore. But honestly, I do not want that for my kids in the classroom, so it’s time that we as math teachers, put those days behind us.
Let’s make learning two and three digit addition and subtraction worksheets a game — literally. How? Here is a step by step month-long journey to transform 3 digit addition from ‘Ugh, not again!’ to ‘Can we do more?’ in your classroom.
Week 1: Nailing the basics of the concept of 3 digit addition
Ever tried to build a castle on sand? It’s a shaky business, right? The same goes for 3 digit addition with elementary students. If you’re shaky on the basics, teachers! Well, you’re setting your class up for a castle full of confusion. Let’s clear the air on this. Shall we?
Now, for your kids to understand 3 digit addition with and without regrouping, you first need to make them recognize the importance of place values. They should’ve got hundreds, tens, and ones down. To clarify this concept to your kiddos, you can tell them to picture hundreds, tens, and ones as three shelves in a bookcase, each with a specific spot for its ‘book’.
But the thing to remember here is that it’s essential for the numbers to go in their right place. Misplace the numbers, and you’ve got chaos!
Then comes the tricky bit: carrying over. A common hiccup, often as mystifying as a magician’s trick. But it does not have to be that. You can simplify it further for them. So, if your ‘ones’ total more than 9, you ‘carry over’ the extra to the ‘tens’ shelf. Same rule for the ‘tens’ to the ‘hundreds’. It’s like when you’re packing a suitcase, and it overflows – you need another bag!
Now, what about gamification in math? Think of it like turning broccoli into a superhero. Kids love games, right? So why not use that love to turn learning 3 digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping into a thrilling adventure?
Gamification takes the chore out of learning, and makes it interactive, and here’s the important part: it leverages our innate love for rewards. There are several platforms and tools for gamification, with different colors suited to different needs.
Week 2: Preparing the Gamified 3 Digit Addition with and without regrouping Lessons
So you’re ready to transform your class into a gaming field. But which platform to choose? It can get overwhelming pretty quickly if you do not know exactly what you are looking for. More like being in a candy shop with infinite choices.
But what I can tell you from personal experience is that features, user feedback, and, most importantly, compatibility with your class size, age group, and tech comfort is all that matter.
Selecting a platform is just the beginning. Next, you’ve got to figure out a way to add your triple digit addition and subtraction curriculum to this platform. Initially, it might feel like you are doing a puzzle. You need to break down the curriculum into daily and weekly objectives, making sure each game fits seamlessly into the learning process.
Now the most important part here is to remember, that variety is the spice of your classroom! Mixing up games and keeping the interest alive is what you should aim for. Imagine being served the same dish every day. Boring, right? The same goes for your class. So spice it up with a variety of games.
Week 3: Rolling Out the Gamified Lessons
Now comes the big reveal. Introducing the new approach to students can be a dance as delicate as a ballet. The aim? To make sure they understand how the platform works, how it’ll be integrated into their learning, and – this is key – why it’s gonna be super fun.
As the lessons roll out, be ready to wear the hat of an eagle-eyed observer. Tracking progress, and providing feedback, it’s all part of the game. It’s like being a coach on the sidelines, guiding and cheering on the players.
Wanna know what I use to add a gamification touch to my 3 single digit addition worksheets in class,check this out on TPT!
Week 4: Evaluating Progress and Getting Ready for the Quiz
After the lesson is been done and you feel like your students get the concept it’s time for the big day! I mean Quiz day! Although students dread to go through a quiz, not in our gamified class! Here, quizzes are designed to mimic the game-based problems, making them less of a scary monster and more of a friendly challenge.
You can offer your students study aids and revision sessions to help them clarify any gaps in their learning. A little extra help won’t hurt anyone. Alongside this, you can gather progress reports for each student. Here you’re not just looking at who’s soaring and who’s stumbling but also pinpointing the areas where students commonly trip up.
And now, the finale of week four: prepping for the quiz. Make sure to review the main concepts, but more than that, ensure the students have a clear concept of the topic and what lies ahead.
You can even use these riddle Worksheets to evaluate your student’s early progress.
Quiz Day: The Ticket to 3 digit addition with ans without regrouping worksheets Stardom
Now comes the day the students have been working towards. The quiz. It’s the chance to put all that they’ve learned to the test.
The quiz results aren’t just numbers but celebrations of success and stepping stones for further learning. Each correct answer calls for a small classroom celebration, and each misstep is an opportunity to learn and improve. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining.
So there you have it. But remember it’s not just about the numbers, but about making learning an experience. It’s about taking those dread-filled, yawn-inducing lessons and turning them into a journey of exploration, excitement, and fun.
So, if you want to break the chains of traditional teaching and think outside the box, it’s time that you implement these strategies into your classroom and play. Gamified lessons aren’t just an educational trend. They’re the key to exposing engagement, sparking curiosity, and making your students not just learn but love the process.
Especially in a world where children are often glued to screens and gadgets, gamifying math lessons can serve as a link in our classrooms that merges education with entertainment in the most effective manner. So in order to take the ‘boredom” out of traditional math lessons and transform it into an exciting experience that students can enjoy while learning new math skills at the same time it’s more like a necessity now.
As teachers, it’s our duty to make sure that every child in our class experiences the thrill of learning. With the right tools and approach, even the most seemingly mundane topics like 3 digit addition can become adventure journeys for exploration. By continuously experimenting with new techniques and, most importantly, making math fun we can make math exciting for our young generation. After all, isn’t that what education should be – an exciting journey of discovery for our students?
Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You’ve got this. Just imagine, a classroom humming with excitement, picture the pride on your students’ faces when they nail a complex 3-digit addition problem, not because they had to, but because they wanted to.
You have the power to turn ‘boring math Class‘ into ‘bring it on!. To replace sighs of boredom with cheers of excitement. To transform ‘I don’t get it’ into ‘I did it!’.
Since the methods of teaching in education are always evolving, it’s crucial that we continually seek methods that not only enhance the learning experience but also ignite a passion within our students.
Gamified math 3 digit addition lessons can bridge the gap between conventional teaching and the digital age. By transforming the seemingly mundane task of 3-digit addition practice into an engaging journey, we aren’t just teaching numbers – we’re nurturing a love for learning.
The unexpected joy and enthusiasm that arise from such methods prove that with the right tools and mindset, even the most traditional subjects can be refreshed and revitalized. Let’s continue to innovate and inspire, turning challenges into opportunities and learners into lifelong enthusiasts. After all, when education is fun, the sky’s the limit.
You not only have to explain the basics but also make sure your fractions lessons are engaging enough so they pay full attention during the learning period and do not get distracted.
In this blog post, I will discuss with you some new and easy ways I have found helpful in teaching fraction operations to my kids during math class to help them engage with the problems at hand and be happily willing to practice adding and subtracting fractions.
So, let’s dive in…
1. Fun Fractions Maze Activity with Task Cards – Save the Queen
This activity includes a printable self-checking maze that you can use with your kids to have them practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of fractions with unlike denominators.
Each fraction operations maze activity comes with 12 task cards and a self-checking FUN maze, which keeps kids inspired to learn, but you do not have to spend all day grading.
The activity is story-based, in which your kids become detectives, helping the Queen bee, who is lost in the jungle, return home. For that, your kids have to work through the problems to bring her back home.
Once the kids have completed the activity, you can use the printable reward card to reward your kid’s hard work and create a positive motivation for them to practice their math skills happily the next time!
Are your kids bored with their daily boring math routine work and want to have some fun and excitement while learning new concepts?
Try adding Solve the Room activities to help them get moving and learn all at the same time!
Solve the Room is my kid’s favorite activity as it allows them not to be glued to their desks but to move around the room while working on the problems. The best part is that it is very easy to set up.
All you have to do is print the question cards and place them in different spots inside your classroom. Next, give students their recording sheets. Kids move around the room, looking for problems with adding and subtracting fractions.
They solve the problems and record their answers on the recording sheets provided. You can also instruct them to use the back of the recording sheet to show their work, which is always a good idea.
If you want to try these activities for your next class, Click here.
3. Color by Number Fractions Activities
Coloring is LOVE for all my kids – no matter their age.
Primary, lower elementary, or upper elementary, you name it!
The easiest way teachers can use it to their advantage is by making any doodle on a piece of paper along with a bunch of practice problems and giving them to solve and color.
Using color by number activities in elementary math classes can enhance engagement, reinforce concepts like perimeter and area of complex figures and volume of rectangular prism creatively, and facilitate differentiation for diverse learning levels.
These activities make working on math problems more enjoyable for students and provide valuable tools for teachers to effectively deal with the challenges of teaching elementary mathematics.
Looking to add some fun color by number activities to your next lesson? I have created these 5th grade fraction operations color by number activities that you can use to skyrocket your class math learning outcome. Want some fraction word problem worksheets? Click HERE to check them out.
Are you a 5th grade math teacher trying to figure out more ways to help your students. Get this engaging and no prep printable adding and subtracting decimals activities PDF for a class that’s full of both fun and learning at the same time. Ensure your students master adding and subtracting decimals activities 5th grade with ease.
These engaging worksheets are designed to make decimal operations fun and accessible. In this blog we are talking about helping you to build confidence and proficiency in your students abilities to add and subtract decimals using mystery puzzle activity.
Why should you teach decimal operations?
It’s a very important skill to teach your students how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals. The knowledge that your students gain by building this particular skill is very important in their daily lives while dealing with height, weight, money, etc. But before this, they need to nail down their basic about decimal place values. Having prior knowledge of decimal place values, your students will be better able to understand decimal operations like adding and subtracting decimals.
Here are a few resources you can try in your classroom for teaching decimal addition and subtraction:
Engaging Adding and Subtracting Decimals Activities PDF
Keep in mind you need to build up your student’s basic understanding of decimal numbers before your use this printable mystery puzzle activity for review work.
Adding and Subtracting Decimals Mystery Puzzle Activity
Suppose you want to review adding and subtracting decimals for your 5th grade math students. But your goal is to make them capable enough to be able to think independently on the math problems. Why not try these no prep adding and subtracting decimals activities PDF with mystery puzzle worksheets? Here is an example of how it looks:
How does this activity work?
First, print the activity page and cut the puzzle pieces on the right side of the page. You can even tell your students to cut the pieces themselves.
Second, they solve the problem of adding and subtracting decimals on the left side of the page. They can use the block they are working on to show their work or even use the back side of the page to show.
Lastly, they find the puzzle picture with the answer they have found and paste it on that specific question. Encourage them to keep on working until they reveal the mystery picture.
Adding and subtracting decimals activities 5th grade mystery puzzle not only helps them with their decimal problem solving skills but also lets them wonder what mystery lies ahead of them.
If you are interested in the free printable adding and subtracting decimals activity, fill in the form below with your name and email address, and it will be delivered to your inbox.
Click here to download PDF. The activity has an answer key, just in case your kiddos get stuck while solving the puzzle. I hope you found this post helpful.
So the question is, how do you teach the area topic in a way that makes it easy for your kids to grasp the concept?
And finally, make them feel like they are ready to tackle any problem thrown their way.
Start with the Basics:
Like I said, it all starts with basics. And to be honest, there is no other answer to this problem other than nailing the basics!
Here is the hard truth… if kids find the lesson interesting, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn about the problem, think about it, practice it, and ultimately feel a sense of confidence in their skills.
This is why using gamified methods of teaching math inside your classroom can be a handy tool for teaching any concept!
Seeing Math Everywhere:
What I have found the most effective way to present the topic area of composite figures is through real life examples. What I mean by this is…
You can first recall their previous knowledge of “basic shapes” and Ask them what they know about complex shapes from their intuition.
This way, your kids will only consider this topic a math problem. In fact, they will see the practical side of mathematics that they aren’t yet exposed to.
Now, start by exploring the geometry of the basic shapes with them and move on to how the area of these basic shapes is calculated.
Here, the goal is to not only help the kids know how to calculate the area of basic shapes using formulas but also by counting the basic units inside each shape.
Finding the Area of Composite Figures or Complex Figures (Color by Number)
Since kids have already mastered how to calculate the area of regular shapes, it’s time to introduce them to composite figures.
You can first show them any composite shape like a park or the layout of a house and ask what they see.
Tell them to imagine the shape as a whole building made by several small ones and treat every small shape like rectangle, square or circle as a room inside the building.
Let them think about this concept for a while and then decompose the shape into its parts and find the area of the individual basic shape.
Next, break the building made with basic figures into small shapes, each representing a square or rectangle. For better understanding, it’s good to introduce a composite figure with 2 or 3 squares or rectangles and then move on to the more complex figures.
The next step is to ask your kids how many squares or rectangles they see inside their big figures. And lastly, calculate the areas of these individual shapes. Since your kids already know how to calculate the area of regular figures, it would not be a daunting task.
Finding the Area of Complex Figures (Trending and Most Popular)
Now comes the fun part: tell your kids that since we are calculating the area of the whole building, not just the single rooms inside, we have to calculate the area of the whole surface. They can only calculate it by adding the areas of each smaller shape. By summing up, kids will be able to tell what the area of complex figure is.
Want some fun digital and printable activities to help you with this lesson?
Looking for some Fun and engaging Halloween math activities to keep your kids busy? Try out these “PICK A WITCH” Digital Game activities with your class and see their excitement skyrocket.
This resource is an interactive digital game which you can use to review or assess your kids place value understanding during their centers time or as a whole class activity.
Here is how the Game Works:
“PICK A WITCH” Game activity is designed to help your kids practice and review the place value of larger numbers like 6 digits in a fun and engaging way.
The resource is a compressed file that unzips to a PowerPoint Activity. The Game activity has 12 question slides and 1 main i.e. “PICK A WITCH” slide.
Display the main slide on the projector and divide your kids into 2 teams. Now tell them to pick a number. The number that they pick you have to click on it to display the question. Once the kids see the question he or she has to answer the question.
You can also award 5 score points to every right answer. Once all the questions have been answered by kids. You can add all their scores and announce which team has won.
All the numbers from 1 to 12 on the first slide are clickable and linked to that specific question number slide. There is a Home button on every question slide to access the main Questions slide which makes it an interactive and super fun game that kids enjoy.
The 12 questions allow you to complete the activity in one go with your class. But it only uses 6 digit numbers. You can use it for fast finishers or as centers digital activity.
Fractions operations are hard concepts to learn for many kids. Most of my 5th grade students struggle to understand even the basis of what a fraction or a number in a/b form actually means.
This idea is not just a problem for upper elementary students but for middle school kids too. Just ask your middle school students to cut a circle in 6 parts and see the results they produce.
It might look something like this:
Now the problem is not that these kids do not know how to add subtract multiply or divide fractions. Because all these fraction operations can be understood and practice by simply repeating the exact same steps they need to perform to get the answer.
Instead the problem is their ability to apply and analyze conceptual parts of fractions, so instead of focusing on the simplification side of the concept what you actually need to focus more on is the conceptual side of the topic that is its application and making kids able to analyze and evaluate their learning.
To understand it better lets discuss why our students struggle to grasp this important concept and how we can help them.
Sara has 3/4 of a cake remaining , and she wants to share it equally among herself and her two friends. What fraction of the cake will each person get?
are not able to make sense of it. The mere learning of short tricks can not help them master this crucial skill. What we as a teacher need to do is create a smooth and seamless integration of all the previous concepts learned with the new ideas to make it easier for kids to connect the dots.
Students need to build upon their prior knowledge of whole numbers and their operations and get comfortable with understand what the “a“and “b” in a/b form actually tells them about the problem at hand.
Which means they not only need to know how much of something is being added (which is the numerator part of fraction) but also what is being added that is the denominator part of the fraction.
Making them understand fractions from bottom up is the key. What does the denominator and the numerators actually tells.
For example let’s say kids have to add 2/5 + 1/5:
Here, the ‘2’ and ‘1’ (numerators) tell us ‘how much‘ of something we have, like two pieces of pizza. The ‘5’ (denominator) tells us into ‘how many parts‘ something is divided, like cutting a pizza into 5 slices. So, when adding 2/5 and 1/5, we’re combining parts of the same whole (like adding two slices to one slice of the same pizza, making it 3/5 of the pizza).
Understanding both parts of a fraction helps kids grasp what they’re working with, making fractions less intimidating. Once kids know the basis they will be able to solve more complex problems on their own.
Activities to make their learning addition and subtraction of fraction operations easier
Not all kids learn the same way. Some are visual learners , some like to explore and ask questions to better understand the concept and as a teacher our job is to understand what our kids understanding is of the topic is how to get hem to become better at it. The best worksheets on addition and subtraction of fractions are the ones with real world problems or activities. Let’s learn more about this:
1. Visual Learning Through Baking and Cooking
Who does not like the smell of cookies baking in the oven. It turns your kitchen into a fun place to learn. Did you know that making food is a great way to understand fractions? Whether you’re measuring sugar or cutting a pizza, cooking is a yummy way to learn about parts of a whole.
Activity toTry: Start by making a simple recipe with your child, like cookies or pizza? This gives you an opportunity and fun time to talk about how fractions are used in cooking. For example, you can ask how much is half a cup of sugar? Or how do you cut a pizza so everyone gets an equal slice? In the end, you get to enjoy a tasty snack together!
What You’ll Learn: Cooking and baking make fractions easy to understand. It’s one thing to see numbers on paper. It’s another to see fractions come to life when you’re cooking. Seeing and touching the parts that make up a whole makes fractions clear and meaningful.
I think cooking is not just about making food. It’s a chance to see math in action. Next time you’re in the kitchen with your kids, think of it as a chance to explore fractions. It makes learning math not just useful but also delicious. So, grab an apron, and let’s make learning fractions as easy as pie!
2. Interactive Games and Activities
In this modern world where technology touches almost every part of our lives, learning has changed a lot after covid. For those of us who learn best by seeing and doing, the increase in online learning platform has opened doors to new possibilities. This is especially true when it comes to understanding fractions—a topic that many find tricky.
Digital Fraction addition and subtraction activity along with PDF worksheets: There are tons of digital activities out there designed to help with fractions. When choosing an activity, look for ones that are fun for your students and how they learn, give you feedback on how you’re doing, and let you keep track of your progress.
Using storytelling to teach kids fraction and give them a taste of how math is applied in real world is what we all should be doing in our classrooms. You can introduced a story like “The tale of a bee lost in the forest” where Queen bee goes out in the wild and is lost and its the job of the kids to bring her back to her hive and the worker bees.
But their is a twist, your kids need to solve adding and subtraction fractions with unlike denominator problems to bring her back to her hive. This keep them engaged into meaningful learning.
Using storytelling like the above to teach kids addition subtraction multiplication and division of fractions and mixed numbers learning more memorable and meaningful. Children are able to connect with the idea on a deeper level that makes learning more enjoyable and fun
Additional Fun Resources
Looking for some resources that can be used for reviewing fraction operation with 5th grade students, check out the ones I have in my TPT shop.
Looking for some free adding and subtracting fractions practice coloring worksheets, Try the one below by signing up.