valentines Day 5th grade math activities for upper elementary kids

7 Valentine’s Day Math Activities for 5th Graders

So you have taught fractions unit to your 5th grade kids…Now what?

There are many ways you can keep your students practicing there fractions skill this valentines without feeling overwhelm.

This Valentine’s Day get your 5th graders math game strong by using meaningful activities that help them practice various math skills they have already learnt.

one thing I would advice before starting is do not just make this season all about hearts and candies use it as a perfect opportunity to get your kids more engaged in math fun!

So if your goal is to engage your students with math fun… interactive math activities both print and digital is the way to go.

But before we get started a quick reminder, if you need free math activities and worksheets to try with your 5th grade kids, join the newsletter and get them delivered straight to your inbox!

Now let the fun began, here are seven exciting math activities that will help your 5th grader’s attention and get them to practice key mathematical skills.

1. Mystery Picture Puzzles

Want to practice multi digit addition and subtraction with regrouping but do not want it to be a boring activity? Mystery picture puzzles are the best way to do it while making it a fun interactive activity.

Your kids will practice their 2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction skills by solving these problems and putting together the puzzle pieces to reveal the picture.

Because look – we math teachers need to know what kids know and what needs more practicing so we can keep our math class more interesting.

So if there is any activity that I can use with my kids to practice their basic operations skills while solving and building a puzzle, I’m am here for it.

How it works:

Prints out the puzzle worksheet and hand it over to the kids. Let them cut the puzzle pieces on the right side.

Once that’s done let them solve and put the mystery pictures together to reveal the picture.

Valentines Day 3rd 4th multi digit grade addition and subtraction with regrouping picture puzzle activity worksheets

As your students complete the puzzle and uncover the picture you can even instruct them to color it and make it a fun art piece for their classroom bulletin board decoration.

Key Skills this activity helps kids with:

  • Problem-solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Addition and Subtraction fluency

2. Color by Numbers

When it comes to practicing math facts especially multiplication and division some things are easier than others. And honestly coloring math activities is like one of those things.

For my kids multiplication and division are the skills that they need more practice with than anything else.

And to tell you the truth it is better to get them to practice these skills more during their upper elementary years more so it’s easier for them to build other math concepts during their middle school years.

This is the exact reason why I have whole year themed multiplication and division color by number activities.

That mainly focuses on multi digits like 2 or 3 digits multiplication and division practice.

The best part is each page has just enough math problems for kids to complete in a day making it a perfect addition to your daily math lesson.

Here is how it works: Kids use the back of the page to solve the problem. Each problem has 2 answer options along with the color they need to use to color the picture.

Students solve and select the right option and work on there coloring part of the activity.

Does this sound boring? Nope. Click here to see Valentine’s Day color by number on my TPT shop.

3. Independent Work Pack

Need a comprehensive 5th grade math activity pack that students can complete independently. Include:

  • Word problems
  • Word search puzzles
  • Matching activities


  • Self-paced learning
  • Skill reinforcement
  • Develops mathematical independence

4. Pixel Art Digital Valentines Day Resource

I do not know about you but I still feel like I haven’t fully got the hang of using digital activities in my class.

Honestly to leverage technology to get kids practicing math concepts like fractions addition and subtraction with unlike denominator is a bit mess but we are getting though it using Pixel Art Google Sheets(TM) activities.

I assign my students thise activity on their devices and they solve math problems to reveal a pixel art Valentine’s design. The more kids solve the problem right the more picture is revealed which is super FUN!

So if you need a digital valentines day fraction operations resource check out the link to my TPT shop. Its fun, its engaging and most of all its self checking so kids get immediate feedback.

5. Fraction Heart Puzzles

Puzzles puzzles and some more puzzles. I you one for the people who hear about differentiation or centers in meetings and are excited to try new thing to make it work then this one is for you.

Puzzles are the best part of my centers. Although they take up a little bit of time to prep but its so worth the effort.

Kids not only have to solve the problem but also find the answer to complete their puzzles making it a perfect game based activity to try during math centers.

The best part… it’s free!

But if those same puzzles are heart shaped fractions problems that’s even better. You can check them here.

6. Valentine’s Day FREE Solve the Room

This my friend is what I ALWAYS do when I do not have anything planned for the day and need something quick to engage but still keep them learning.

The idea is simple you write math problems on task cards and display them at various points in your classroom.

Kids walk around the room and solve the problems on the recording sheets.

They feel engaged and fun. Not sticking to their chairs and able to walk around is what makes this activity one of my ids favorite thing.

And honestly, I do not blame them. So if you want to transform your classroom into an interactive collaborating math learning place try out math solve the room activities.

7. Valentines Day Fraction Worksheets

We all use worksheets to put the practice kids need to improve their understanding.

In fact, who does not like to use worksheets to make learning fun with Valentine’s-themed images so kids are more likely to solve them and not feel bored?

These Valentine’s Day math worksheets go beyond traditional worksheets by offering engaging, interactive ways to practice their math skills.

By using themes of love, you are helping students see math as an exciting, enjoyable subject.

How do you make learning fun during valentine’s day? Let me know in the comments!

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Fall Fun Worksheets and Activities for 4th and 5th grade
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Fall Math Worksheets and Activities for 3rd – 5th Grade

As the leaves change, so can your math lessons! 

Fall gives us teachers the perfect opportunity to engage students with fun, fall themed math activities that build excitement for learning inside classrooms. 

Fall Fun Worksheets and Activities for 4th and 5th grade

For me seasonal math not only brings a fresh twist inside classroom for kids, but it also give me some change to use fun activities to keep my upper elementary kids engaged with unique activities that are different but perfectly with the curriculum. 

Here are some way I have found helpful to bring the spirit of autumn into my math lessons to keep students motivated and excited to learn.

Why Use Fall-Themed Math Activities?

Once the back-to-school buzz goes away, students may start to lose some of the enthusiasm they had in the first few weeks of school. 

This can be challenging to maintain that level of energy in the classroom as the routine sets in. 

And tis is where seasonal activities come in handy and exciting to keep them engaged and ansurprised to work on their task! 

Fall-themed math activities can help apture student’s attention and re-energize their will to keep their math learning moving forward.

These activities not only make lessons fun but also ensure students are still practicing critical math skills in an engaging way.

Upper Elementary Fall Math Activities you Should Try this Year:

Here are some of you can use activities to help your 3rd 4th or even 5th grade students get into the Fall spirit while practicing essential math concepts:

Fall-Themed Solve-the-Room Activities

Fall fraction and decimal operation activity 5th grade and upper elementary grades

This activity can transform your classroom into a dynamic learning environment. Students will move around the room, solving math problems with a fall spirit. Activities like these are perfect for keeping students active while making sure they’re reviewing their key math concepts, such as Decimal and fraction operations or even math facts.

Fall Color-by-Number Worksheets

Ahhh! Who does not like some coloring to go along with their math centers and daily practice?

Color by number worksheets combine creativity with math practice to keep them on their learning journey and reduce their learning fatigue at the same time.  Honestly this alone is like a win win situation for me. 

Every time I take out one of these Coloring sheets kids are just excited and motivated to work on them. 

What’s most important is there are jut 8 problems they need to solve instead of bajillions just to get them to the coloring part. This is the reason why they are more motivated to work on this single page coloring math sheets.

Here is how it works: Students will solve math problems and then use their answers to complete fall-themed coloring pages. 

It’s a great activity for early finishers or as a calming task during busy classroom days which is a plus.

Fall Math Scavenger Hunt

Did you just said hunt? I think math reviews do not have to be boring? 

Using this fraction scavenger hunt activity this Fall and turn you class in to a Scavenger Hunt adventure that your kids would love to be in.

Students solve math problems while following clues around the room. It’s an engaging way to review concepts and encourage teamwork.

And the best part is, it’s self checking so less work for you but more fun for them. 

Fall Fractions and Decimal Operations – Mystery Picture Puzzle!

Tired of searching for an engaging and fun way to help your 5th-grade students master fractions and decimal operations? 

MAy be try out some mystery picture puzzle math activities. Using these Fall Fractions and Decimal Operations Picture Puzzle is the perfect way to practice math and increase creativity to keep your students motivated and excited on learning their fractions concepts.

These puzzles gives students the opportunity to solve fractions and decimal problems while slowing revealing a fall-themed picture. 

Whether you’re looking for a way to reinforce lessons on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and decimals or simply want to add an interactive twist to your math centers, this activity does it all!

How to Implement It

This resource is dynamic and easy to use into your classroom. You can use it as:

  • A fun, no-prep fall math center
  • A homework assignment to reinforce what was taught in class.
  • An engaging review activity before an upcoming test.
  • A small group activity for collaborative learning.

How to have Fall-Themed Math Spirit in the Classroom

Using fall-themed classroom activities and resources into your lessons is easy, and literally there are so many creative ways to do it! 

Enagging Fall addition subtraction multiplication division math powerpoint game activities for 3rd 4th and 5th grade kids

Here are a few ideas from me to get you started:

  • Create Fall-Themed Math Centers: Yup that’s the first one. You need to set up multiple fall-themed stations in your classroom where students can rotate between different activities, like the Fall Solve-the-Room or Color-by-Number sheets. This gives kids diverse options and allows students to work independently or in small groups.
  • Use for Early Finishers or Warm-Up Activities: These activities are perfect for students who finish their work early or for a quick and engaging warm-up to get everyone focused on math first thing in the morning.
  • Fall Decor for Extra Fun: This one is a must! Decorate your classroom with fall leaves, pumpkins, and other seasonal visual elements. Then, use these resources as part of a fall-themed math review or even a class competition!

By using these fun ideas, you’re not only bringing fall into the classroom but also boosting students’ enthusiasm for math.

To bring the magic of fall into your math lessons. You will be able to watch your students’ willingness to work on their classwork soar, the big idea is to use multiple Fall themed elements in your day and your kids will thank you for all that you do for them.

Ready to add some seasonal fun to your math lessons?

Check out our Fall Math Activities on my TpT store Daily Dose of Mathematics store!

Fun Order of Operations Activities to Skyrocket Engagement Now
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Fun Order of Operations Activities to Skyrocket Engagement Now

I get it, I get it, as an upper elementary math teacher, we can teach order of operation to 5th grade students for what can feel like forever. So long that you may feel like you are running low on new ideas to teach it anymore.

If that’s the case, then consider using these 5 fun and exciting Order of Operations activities to keep your students hooked.

All these are my favorite activities. They include both printable and digital options so there is something for everyone.

Color by Number Order of Operations Activities

Getting students excited about the order of operation topic can be a challenge but not if you are using the right activities to engage and get kids to think more about the order of operation. 

Students do not just need to know how to solve order of operations problems. It is equally important that kids learn why learning about the order of operations is important.

It’s a way to make sure every one of us arrives at the same answer to a particular problem.

You can teach them various strategies like “please excuse my dear aunt sally” to make it easier for them to remember.

This activity combines the key critical concepts of order of operations (PEMDAS) with the fun of coloring

Here is how Order of Operations Activities works:

Students are given a worksheet with various math problems that they have to solve using the correct order of operations to find the answers. 

Order of Operation Color by Number Activities

Each answer corresponds to a specific color which they will then use to color sections of a picture.

As they solve the problems correctly, a colorful image starts appearing providing students with immediate feedback and a sense of accomplishment.

Pixel Art Order of Operation Activities

Want something quick for digital stations? No worries, I got you covered.

These Order of Operations digital activities are creative and engaging at the same time so your kids won’t get bored. 

The activities involve solving the order of operations problems using Google Sheets digital activity. Each correct answer reveals a portion of the pixelated image.

Students write the answers to the problems into the specific cells. 

Order of Operation Pixel Art Activities
Order of Operation Pixel Art Activities

The digital activity involves practicing both types of problems: with and without exponents. 

Wait, that’s not all. You will also get students handouts that go with the digital activity and keep them accountable for showing their work.

Exciting Task Cards and Story-based Maze

Capture your kid’s attention using story-based gamified learning similar to this Save the Queen Maze Activity

In this order of operation maze activity, students look for ways to help Save the Queen Bee that is lost in the wild on her way back home. 

They must correctly solve problems to help her find her way back to Hive!

And the best part you can choose to use with or without exponents to differentiate the topic. 

Order of Operation Maze and Task Cards Activity

Not only this, the activity is highly engaging and self-checking so you do not have to spend time grading the papers.

In the end, use the reward card certificates for positive reinforcement for your kids.

What’s Included:

  • 1 Save the Queen Game Maze Activity (Order of Operations – Beginner)
  • 1 Save the Queen Game Maze Activity (Order of Operations – Advance)
  • Each Maze has 12 Task Cards with different problems (A total of 24)
  • 1 Colored Reward Card & Story Card
  • 1 Black and white Reward Card and Story Card
  • 1 Student Recording Sheet
  • Answer Keys of all

Solve the Room Order of Operations Activities

 This one is the most fun and dynamic activity to implement in your classroom. My kids always enjoy and look forward to playing this activity.

Their excitement is the only reason why I have to make Solve the Room activities for 5th grade Bundle, so you do not have to do the work. 

Want to know how it works?

You post task cards with math problems for your students to work on at different stations or different areas of your classroom. 

Order of Operation Solve the Room Activities

Then give each student a recording sheet to record their answers.

Students move around the room to find these problems, solve and record them on the given recording sheet. 

Why this is the best activity to try:

  • Engagement: Traditional worksheets can sometimes bore students, but Solve the Room adds an element of excitement and movement, keeping students motivated and interested.
  • Concept Mastery: Students often struggle with the order of operations. This activity offers repeated practice in a fun and hands-on way, helping kids to solidify their understanding.
  • Classroom Management: By moving around the room and focusing on different problems, students are less likely to become restless or distracted, leading to better classroom management.

Free Order of Operations Practice Digital PowerPoint Game Activity

Couldn’t find something you were looking for?

No worries… here is a FREE fun activity to help your students master the order of operations

This interactive game is perfect for bringing some cheer into your classroom while reinforcing this essential math skills.

What is it?

This engaging PowerPoint game challenges students to solve order of operations problems with a winter theme.

Each correct answer helps them progress through the game, while a wrong answer directs kids to try the problem again.

It helps to reinforce learning and makes sure that students understand the concepts before moving on.

Check out this Free Order of Operations Practice Digital PowerPoint Game Activity

That’s a lot of content for a single topic in 5th grade math topics.

All of these activities and more are available in the lesson pack Bundle in my TPT shop.

Bundle includes:

  • Digital Pixel Art Activities
  • Google Slides Activity
  • Order of Operations Task Cards Printable
  • Order of Operation Worksheets 
  • Story-based Save the Queen Game 
  • Order of Operation Color by Number 

Click here to get now!

Order of Operation Activities Bundle Image

Want to have more 5th grade teaching ideas, Click here to learn more.

Fun Division Riddles for Practicing Division Skills
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Fun Division Riddles for Practicing Division Skills

Division is hard for kids…PERIOD! But it doesn’t have to be using division riddles. For my kids, division feels like a confusing jumble of numbers because they don’t have their facts memorized. 

No matter how much you try to make your kids practice division, until they have a solid grasp of division facts in their minds, they won’t be able to work on more complex problems. It’s like not knowing how to drive but trying to drive anyway.

Division Riddles Worksheets and Activities-Pin

If that’s the case, then what we should be focusing on is understanding why our kids are struggling in the first place. To be honest, there can be many reasons for this problem. 

Reasons like a lack of understanding, memorization feeling like a draining task, table overload, multiplication confusion, and more can all contribute to students not having a good grip on division facts.

Are you interested in knowing how I make division practice fun and engaging for my kiddos? It’s by using riddles! Riddles are a perfect tool to help children develop math and problem-solving skills, whether it’s back-to-school time or throughout the whole year.

Why Division Practice Is Important

Practicing division problems is crucial for a kid’s basic math learning and understanding. It is a critical thinking skill essential for mastering higher and advanced math concepts. Division helps kids:

  • Increase their problem-solving abilities 
  • Build confidence in handling complex calculations 
  • Improve their understanding of the world around them

Now that you know how important it is for our kids to practice division problems. Let’s talk about a solution.

The best way I am able to get my students working on division practice is using division riddles. Using riddles keeps students focused on the task in hand and also builds their perseverance skill. 

How Division Riddles Works: 

You hand out one of the division riddles to your kids. It could be a division facts or 2 by 1, 2 by 2  digit or 3 by 1 or 3 by 2 digit, whatever numbers you want your students to practice that day. 

Students start working on the problems and with every problem they unlock a key (letter) that is part of the mystery riddle they are solving. The clues are unlocked randomly to make it more interesting and exciting for the kids.

Division Riddles Worksheets and Activities-2

Once all the clues are collected the answer to the mystery is revealed. The gamified way of practicing division makes it less intimidating for the students and helps them gain confidence in their math skills.

Few ways to use Division Riddles inside classroom:

I love activities that are versatile and can be used in multiple ways inside the classroom. Here are a few ways you can use a Riddles activity 

  • Partner work
  • Home work
  • Centers or rotation
  • Review or practice work
  • Or anytime you want to have something FUN 

Are you looking for 2 and 3 digit by 1 digit long division practice worksheets for your upper elementary students? 

Check out the division riddles resource on my TPT shop and let your kids have fun while learning at the same time.

Division Riddles Worksheets and Activities-Pin1

Looking for more tips of 5th grade math teaching checkout this Blog post on 5th grade year round math activities.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions Color by Number PDF Free with Unlike Denominators

Adding and Subtracting Fractions Color by Number PDF Free with Unlike Denominators

Summer is finally here and it’s the perfect time to keep your kid’s math skills sharp! If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to help your students practice adding and subtracting fractions using color by number PDF free with unlike denominators, I’ve got good news for you.

Adding and Subtracting Fraction Color by Number PDF Free Worksheet

Teaching fractions can be challenging but it doesn’t have to be. This Color by Number activity makes learning fractions fun and stress-free. Your kiddos will love the vibrant mandalas and the creative twist on boring traditional worksheets. Plus, I think it’s a great way to keep them engaged with math during.

How it Works?

This activity is perfect for independent practice, math centers, or homework. Simply print out the worksheets, and let your kids color their way to mastering fractions. The Color by Number format provides instant feedback, so kids can easily see if they’ve got the correct answer. And guess what you can download this activity now for FREE.

Stay Connected for More!

For more free resources, teaching tips, and updates, please sign up for my newsletter. By subscribing, you’ll receive access to my free resource library, filled with worksheets, activities, and more to make your teaching life easier. [Sign up here!](link to signup page)

Happy teaching!

Why Math Games Are Important in Today’s Classroom
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Why Math Games Are Even More Essential Now in Today’s Classroom

Kids in upper elementary classrooms are more inclined to learn math through games because math games provide the same environment as today’s gadgets and screens but with the goal of learning something new. 

This is why, in today’s teaching, it is more important than ever to use game-based learning methods in our math classrooms. 

In my 10+ years of teaching math to elementary students, I have never encountered a time in my classes when, whenever I pull up a game, my kids do not get excited.  

It has always been the case for me, no matter what the type of game is! It can be digital as well as printable but what would never happen with board games or game shows is a dry class with no learning excitement for a hard subject like math. 

Honestly, I feel that having printable games or digital game-based activities should be in every teacher’s toolkit. They are a compelling way for kids to connect and engage with your teaching content. Still not convinced? 

Here’s a list of why math games are important and how to integrate them into your lesson planning. 

1. Enhanced Engagement during Math Class

This is what we all want? I mean, I do! And the best way to increase your class engagement is by using math games to make learning more interactive and exciting. 

Gamification helps develop critical thinking skills, which are essential for children’s future success. Students are more likely to participate and stay focused when they play a game in pairs, compared to just working through a set of problems on a worksheet.

So, make your kids work in pairs next time you want them to add some accountability to your math lessons. The added accountability helps them push each other and encourages a sense of responsibility.

Looking for some fun games? Melissa, a fellow teacher, coach, and TpT author, has a blog post that can give you a comprehensive idea of the benefits of using math board games in classrooms.

2. Improved Understanding with Math Games

Understanding is the most important part of the learning process. It is the integral part that should be focused on during lesson planning.

If your kids can understand the basics of any concept, like fraction operations or the order of operations, they will be able to think through them, understand them, and solve problems on their own, which should always be the goal. 

This collaborative environment that is created as a result of their teamwork can help them feel more comfortable sharing their thought processes and strategies with their class fellows. 

With games, we can present kids with the same math problems in various formats like multiple choice, true-false, or even open-ended, which then helps students to see concepts from different angles. 

This is crucial as it deepens their understanding and helps them apply math skills in various real world situations. 

During my lessons I try to give kids as many practice problems as possible, but after we have 

ended a lesson I prefer other formats like multiple choice or true false using interactive activities or riddles to check their understanding and see where the gaps are!

3. Immediate Feedback

Of course, getting feedback is important! But what’s more important is making it fun not just for kids but for you too. I try to incorporate self checking games during lessons because of the immediate feedbackkk! 

We all want our kids to rise and shine but none of us want to go through the painful time taking act of grading and checking the assessments and creating the report cards. 

That’s why math games can actually be a handy tool. It provides us with a way to keep ourselves on top of all the stuff other than teaching by utilizing the power of active learning, allowing students to practice and reinforce their skills in an interactive way. 

It allows students to quickly see the results of their actions and understand what they need to improve. This immediate reinforcement can increase their confidence and motivate them to learn more.

4. Fun and Motivation

Let’s be honest: It is a chore to make math enjoyable and personalize activities for every kid. However, I believe learning is not only enjoyable with games; students are more than ready to engage with the material. Math games can turn a challenging subject into a fun and rewarding experience, which enhances a positive attitude towards math.

How to Integrate Math Games in Your Classroom

Use games that align with holiday themes or seasons, such asFall Place Value and Multiplication Division Games”. This can make learning festive and relevant to the time of year.

Digital games can be easily integrated into your lesson plans and are great for individual or small group work. One way is to customize games for different skill levels, making sure that all students, regardless of their abilities, are challenged appropriately and can progress at their own pace.

You can create different stations with various math games, like “Digital Fraction and Decimals Pixel Art Bundle.” Just assign students one of the activities and keep them engaged by exposing them to different types of problems.

Another way is to organize math game tournaments or challenges inside the classroom to add an element of friendly competition. However, this can even create a challenge of managing competitiveness among students. For this, make sure to emphasize the importance of teamwork and collaboration more. This can motivate students to practice more and improve their math skills.

Lastly, have students discuss what they learned and reflect on their strategies after playing. This will help solidify their understanding and encourage them to think critically about problem-solving techniques.

Math games are a fun and effective way to review important math concepts like decimal operations inside classrooms. Incorporating math games into your classroom can transform the way your students learn and engage with math. Making lessons interactive, engaging, and fun will help your students develop a deeper understanding and a love for the subject.

Looking for other cool ways to make math worksheets more fun for your kids? Check out this blog post on 11 cool ways to make boring worksheets more exciting!